I know most of you can't believe this, but I am officially updating my blog. Please don't faint!!!!
I'm not really sure where to begin in explaining the reasons of why I have not updated in a while but I will give you a few; for starters at the end of football season, my dad broke his back while hunting and is still recovering. He is getting better each day and thankfully he did not have to undergo any type of surgeries. Please keep him your prayers.
We have celebrated several birthdays, my sister's and her boyfriend's and Olivia's friend, Jake.
Oh, almost forgot, work has been very stressful lately. I don't have enough time or fingers to tell you all about this situation. Let's just say that you need to say a prayer for me!!!
And last, we have been extremely busy with the holidays as most of you were too. We had lots of get together's with friends and family. We had so much fun spending time with everyone. We also had a wonderful Christmas and Olivia got more stuff than she knows what to do with. I wish I could upload all the pictures but that would take an extremely long time!!!
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is having a great start to a new year!!!!
I will make sure that I do better this upcoming year in keeping my blog up to date.